Stable Linux with Apache
Linux & Apache have existed together for many years now and are one of the most well-liked server setups. Discover why.
Linux is a well known Operating System, which is traditionally used for web servers, due to the fact it provides a variety of advantages over other Operating Systems. It's considered to be the most reliable Operating system available and owing to the way it runs, corrupted files will simply not work. Considering that Linux is totally free to use, no license fees shall be added to the price which you'll have to pay for your web hosting service. That, in turn, allows for the provider to personalize the Operating system depending on what they and their customers want, getting rid of unnecessary packages to enhance the OS and the server’s overall performance. Linux servers typically feature the Apache server software, that processes Internet site access requests. Apache is additionally free and customizable, not to mention that it is extremely quick and light with regard to the system resources it requires. LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) is the software environment which some of the most widely used script applications require – Moodle, Joomla™, WordPress,, and so on. The LAMP configuration is the most frequently used one globally, since it's stable and simple to maintain.
Stable Linux with Apache in Shared Website Hosting
When you order a
shared website hosting plan from our company, your new account will be created on our top-notch cloud platform where all of the web servers run Linux. Naturally, the Operating system has been personalized to meet our necessities, so as to get the most of our clustered platform. The files, emails, stats, databases, and so forth., are addressed by independent clusters of web servers and this contributes to the better overall performance of the platform, as one machine addresses only one type of process running on it, contrary to what many other companies do. All web requests are addressed by Apache, because we have seen first-hand that that'slikely the lightest and quickest web server nowadays. Using a shared account on our cloud platform, you will be able to enjoy a fast, stable and protected service and to use any web programming language – HTML, Python, Perl, JavaScript, etc.
Stable Linux with Apache in Semi-dedicated Servers
semi-dedicated server accounts are created on a cutting-edge specialized platform. An independent cluster of web servers handles each individual service - databases, e-mail messages, files, etc., and considering the fact that we highly treasure the pros of a customizable, risk-free and dependable Operating System, all of the web servers which make up the clusters run Linux. The OS enables us to make the critical modifications, not to mention the higher speed, for the reason that only one type of process runs on the web server, as opposed to the regular hosting platform offered by most companies in which everything runs on a single server. Furthermore, we use the Apache web server as well. We've evaluated its capabilities throughout the years, so we've confirmed that it will give us as a provider and you as a client the wanted speed and convenience for the best achievable web site performance.